Wednesday, December 17, 2008

paid a visit

to the old paper...
pretty sad but interesting, now that i can see it with more emotional distance.
how many newspapers look like this around the country? those hundreds of dusty dark rooms and miles of peeling wall paper tell stories from days that seem so ancient and fragile it makes me want to tip toe around the newsroom, inhale history and start recording tidbits of the past that will soon be turned into a condo or torn down for a parking lot.

1 comment:

Jim Craven said...

Hi Djamila,
After reading your post on the paying a visit to the paper, I have to wonder why you gave up the writing for the pics. But, then I look at the pics and I answer my own question. We're still hanging on here. Marc continues to be strangely optimistic, Rick more manic than ever and Scott, well, I never know about Scott. The rest seem mostly resigned to the idea of being thrown into a world that neither needs them, wants them or will be able to accept them. I remain cynical as ever with pen poised.
Keep posting pics, a little beauty, a little truth in an otherwise banal world.