Tuesday, October 5, 2010

mr. ombach and the german guilt

sometimes germans are weird when it comes to taking blame for their history, even though they weren't alive back then. so after watching the play of anne frank that featured some terrifying ss men vhis vherrie harsh gerrrrrrman accents and then talking to mr ombach whose good family hid jews in amsterdam during the war, it was hard for me to tell him that I was german, too. he noticed, and after the day was over he reassured me that I was in fact a "good kraut, not a bad kraut." phew, that made me feel better.ombach dg 014
ombach dg 016


Travisj said...

Mr. Ombach is my grandma's brother. They are great people with an amazing story. Your pictures are great! Thanks for sharing.

Djamila Grossman said...

no way, that's crazy! oh he is such an awesome guy, and his wife, too. I had a great time spending the day with them...