Wednesday, March 24, 2010


wait, people who follow this blog don't get emails when i update it? why would you follow a blog then? anyone?


Kyle Kurlick said...

I check my blogger dashboard, that let's me know when people update in the blogosphere. I find email notifications anti-pre.

Djamila Grossman said...

For real? Anti-pre? That's pretty strong language, I must say.
But I guess the dashboard thing makes sense.
Hey, also how about our own workshop to Peru this summer? I checked the flights and tickets aren't too bad. Way cheaper than over to Europe or Asia...

Kyle Kurlick said...

I just hate all those email notifiers from blogger, facebook, etc. I have them turned off. Yeah, let's do Peru, but my spanish is bad.

Djamila Grossman said...

yea makes sense. i just talked to my boss, he went last year. let me talk to mike and then see. it would be pretty cool to just go somewhere with cheap flights and shoot, instead of paying for a pricey workshop.