Thursday, August 28, 2008

happy aprons

this lady was as cheerful as her house, which was bright and funky from top to bottom. she designs aprons, slippers, bags and gloves that made me want to stay at home and bake warm cookies, happily draped in these little specks of color.


Drew Nash said...

This is what I'm talking about. The difference between good photographers and great ones is that the great ones come back with interesting images even from what would likely be an extremely mundane assignment. Extremely well done. ps. Image 4 is almost seductive, am I wrong?

Djamila Grossman said...

did you call that "pulling stuff from your..uhm...bumbums"? i remember that. that's what it's all about, no? making picking your nose and watching TV look like the most beautiful and powerful activities on the planet...(seductive, huh? I definitely was not going for that. more like a little cutesy. i really felt the better photos came from her being herself. just thought i'd give the set up portrait a try...)